Insights on Treating Tardive Dyskinesia Using Telehealth

A panel of six neurologists, three psychiatrists, and three psychiatric nurse practitioners participated in a study to outline a framework to address the use of telehealth to treat tardive dyskinesia. The panel found telehealth to be beneficial primarily for the ease of making and attending appointments for patients but agreed that an in-person assessment should be held at least every six months from telehealth appointments. Additional recommendations are discussed. 

Reference: El-Mallakh RS, Belnap A, Iyer S, et al. Telehealth for Assessing and Managing Tardive Dyskinesia: Expert Insights from a Cross-Disciplinary Virtual Treatment Panel. Telemed J E Health. 2022;10.1089/tmj.2022.0234. doi:10.1089/tmj.2022.0234 

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