Study Shows Tardive Dyskinesia Movements Lead to Negative Perceptions in Employment and Social Interactions

In a study, researchers aimed to better understand how tardive dyskinesia (TD) impacts perceptions in professional and social settings. Using a randomized digital survey, participants watched videos of actors either simulating tardive dyskinesia (TD) or not. The study found that individuals displaying TD movements were viewed less favorably in terms of employment prospects, attractiveness in dating, and potential for friendship. Researchers concluded the significance of the survey in its quantification of the professional and social stigmas linked with TD movements, highlighting potential challenges in employment, relationships, and social support for those affected.

Reference: Ayyagari R, Goldschmidt D, Mu F, Caroff SN, Carroll B. An Experimental Study to Assess the Professional and Social Consequences of Tardive Dyskinesia. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 2022;20(1):154-166. doi: 10.9758/cpn.2022.20.1.154

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