Understanding and Managing Tardive Dyskinesia and Dystonia: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
This article covers symptoms, causes, and treatments for tardive dyskinesia and dystonia, both triggered by medications used for mental disorders, especially antipsychotics. Tardive dyskinesia results in involuntary facial movements, while dystonia causes sustained muscle contractions, often affecting the head and neck. While tardive dyskinesia develops gradually and may persist after medication cessation, dystonia can onset rapidly and stem from various causes including infections, tumors, or genetic factors.
The Extensive Impact of Tardive Dyskinesia Physically, Psychologically, and Socially
Researchers of a study assessed the multifaceted impact of tardive dyskinesia (TD) on patients through an online survey that took place from April 2020 to June 2021. Participants, who were diagnosed with TD and associated conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depressive disorder, evaluated the impact of TD on their physical, psychological, and social functioning using Likert scales. They also completed the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire, providing insights into TD’s influence on their underlying psychiatric conditions.
Study Leverages Lean Six Sigma to Enhance Tardive Dyskinesia Management in Antipsychotic Treatment
In a study, researchers provided insights on identifying and treating tardive dyskinesia (TD), particularly in patients treated with antipsychotics. They emphasize the importance of recognizing risk factors for TD, regularly evaluating patients using standardized tools and criteria, and considering the most suitable treatment options for each patient. The study utilizes the Lean Six Sigma quality improvement model, involving defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling processes to enhance the understanding and management of TD.
Growing Interest in CBD for Tardive Dyskinesia Despite Limited Scientific Evidence
Authors of an article summarized information on cannabidiol (CBD), a major component of the cannabis sativa plant, and tardive dyskinesia (TD). The use of CBD for health conditions, including TD, is increasing in popularity in the United States.
Study Reveals Ethnicity-Based Differences in Tardive Dyskinesia Outcomes Among Patients With Schizophrenia
Researchers of a study focused on understanding the long-term course and outcome of tardive dyskinesia (TD) in patients with schizophrenia of European and African descent, who were previously or currently on first-generation antipsychotic agents.
RE-KINECT Study Results: Physical Wellness and Social Functioning Impact
In a real-world study of possible patients with tardive dyskinesia (TD) treated with antipsychotics, researchers aimed to understand its impact on patient health and social functioning
Recognizing Tardive Dyskinesia From Other Movement Disorders
In an article from Neurology Live, Laxman Bahroo, DO, and Jonathan R. Isaacson, MD, explore the manifestations of tardive dyskinesia (TD) as well as the distinctions between TD and extrapyramidal symptoms and neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism. Through citing different clinical trials, Dr. Bahroo and Dr. Isaacson review certain misconceptions and treatment options for TD. They note that due to TD’s under-recognition, the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder can be challenging, but is reachable through growing awareness, screening, and observation efforts.
Study Shows Tardive Dyskinesia Significantly Lowers Quality of Life, Especially Among Patients With Schizophrenia
Researchers of a study investigated how tardive dyskinesia (TD) impacts the quality of life in patients with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and schizophrenia. Using a web-based survey and various assessment tools, the study found that patients with TD experienced significantly lower health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and greater social withdrawal than those without TD. The impact was more pronounced in physical health domains and was most severe in patients with schizophrenia.
The study concluded that while all patients with these mental health conditions had a lower HRQoL compared with the general population, those suffering from TD were even more adversely affected.
Study Shows Tardive Dyskinesia Movements Lead to Negative Perceptions in Employment and Social Interactions
In a study, researchers aimed to better understand how tardive dyskinesia (TD) impacts perceptions in professional and social settings. Using a randomized digital survey, participants watched videos of actors either simulating tardive dyskinesia (TD) or not. The study found that individuals displaying TD movements were viewed less favorably in terms of employment prospects, attractiveness in dating, and potential for friendship. Researchers concluded the significance of the survey in its quantification of the professional and social stigmas linked with TD movements, highlighting potential challenges in employment, relationships, and social support for those affected.
Study Reveals Comorbidities and Outcomes in Psychiatric Inpatients With Tardive Dyskinesia: Implications for Severe Illness and Healthcare Costs
Researchers of a study analyzed comorbidities and outcomes in psychiatric inpatients with tardive dyskinesia (TD). The study used a case-control design with data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample, involving 77,022 adult inpatient admissions for mood disorders and schizophrenia. TD was found to be more common in older adults (50-64 years) and occurred in similar proportions among men and women. Patients with TD had a higher likelihood of cardio-metabolic comorbidities, including obesity, hypertension, and diabetes, compared with those without TD.
The researchers concluded that psychiatric inpatients with TD tend to have more severe illness, with those having schizophrenia and bipolar disorders being at the highest risk, and the presence of TD is associated with poorer hospital outcomes, including longer stays and higher costs for acute inpatient care.