A study from the Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association showed that caregivers of those with tardive dyskinesia are significantly impacted and should be thought of when clinicians create treatment plans for these patients. Caregivers manage the health of these patients daily and have limited time and energy to take care of their own needs, which affect their relationships, social lives, work, and home tasks. In the study, 41 unpaid caregivers of TD completed questionnaires that included questions regarding the caregiver’s sociodemographic characteristics, view of the impact of abnormal involuntary movements on patients, and the effect of the movements on themselves as caregivers. Twenty of the caregivers were full-time or part-time employees, and 35 participants were either family members or friends of a patient with TD.
Fifty percent of the participants responded that the patient’s movement either had “some” or “a lot” of impact on their ability to “continue usual activities” (50%), and this group also reported that the movements had an affect on them being productive (58.4%), taking care of themselves (49.9%), and socializing (55.5%). They also reported that the TD movements of the patient required the caregiver to time manage, impact their overall life, and cause them to feel either frustrated or angry.
Reference: Impact of Tardive Dyskinesia on Caregivers Should Be Considered When Determining Treatment. Psych Congress Network. Published July 16, 2021. Accessed July 15, 2022. https://www.hmpgloballearningnetwork.com/site/pcn/news/impact-tardive-dyskinesia-caregivers-should-be-considered-when-determining-treatment?hmpid=anNjaHJlaWJlcjAxQGNvbWNhc3QubmV0&utm_medium=email&utm_source=enewsletter&utm_content=1345121610